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Akara Roostevabast Terasest Käärid Scissors
-26 %
Brand: Akara
Scissors AKARA Stainless Steel 11cm..
E-shop price: 5.81€ Shop price: 7.91€
Ex Tax:4.77€
Apaja fileerimisnuga 16cm
-51 %
Brand: Apaja
Extremely sharp fillet. Ergonomic handle. The ventilated case keeps the blade dry. Blade thickness: 1.8 mm. Blade material: SUS420...
E-shop price: 8.32€ Shop price: 16.90€
Ex Tax:6.82€
Atom Multitool All-In-One 12 Funktsiooniga Atom Multitool All-In-One 12 Funktsiooniga
-42 %
Brand: Atom
Higher quality multifunction tools on the market. 12 functions: 1. Scissors 2. Wide screwdriver 3. Narrow screwdriver 4. Can opener 5. File 6. Sweeted blade 7. Smooth blade 8. Wood saw 9. Removable double-sided slotted screwdriver 10. Needle pliers 11. Standard pliers 12. Wire Cutter. Sturdy and sec..
E-shop price: 40.06€ Shop price: 69.00€
Ex Tax:32.84€
E-shop price: 9.10€ Shop price: 9.89€
Ex Tax:7.46€
BoBo kleebitav Mõõdulint 65cm BoBo kleebitav Mõõdulint 65cm
Hot -21 %
Sobib ideaalselt paati kleepimiseks. Kleebis on lamineeritud matt kilega (Et oleks ilmastiku ja kulumis kindel.) Kleebisel on kasutatud Hi-Tack liimi. (On väga tugeva liimiga ja peaks sobima enamikule pindadele.) Kleebise täis mõõtmed: 75x817mm..
E-shop price: 2.29€ Shop price: 2.90€
Ex Tax:1.88€
Daiwa D'Braid käärid
-29 %
Brand: Daiwa
E-shop price: 4.63€ Shop price: 6.50€
Ex Tax:3.80€
Daiwa D'Line Clippers liinilõikur
-41 %
Brand: Daiwa
E-shop price: 2.32€ Shop price: 3.90€
Ex Tax:1.90€
Daiwa Sokkou Knot Tool sõlmesidumise töövahend
-21 %
Brand: Daiwa
E-shop price: 23.55€ Shop price: 29.90€
Ex Tax:19.30€
Fileerimisnuga Rapala J.Marttiini Superflex 10cm FNFSF4
-30 %
Brand: Rapala
The new, super flexible blade for even smoother filleting of fish. The classical filleting knife has been remodelled both in its appearance and its features. The blade is even more flexible than before. The handle is from thermally treated Finnish birch. The surface patterns applied to the handle ..
E-shop price: 24.43€ Shop price: 34.90€
Ex Tax:20.03€
E-shop price: 26.68€ Shop price: 29.00€
Ex Tax:21.87€
Fiskars Kalakäärid 22cm 1003032
-22 %
Tugevad käärid, mis on mugavad soomuste eemaldamiseks, kalade ja uimede avamiseks ja lõikamiseks. Pehme käepidemega käepidemed, mis sobivad nii parema- kui ka vasakukäelistele. Nõudepesumasinas pestav...
E-shop price: 30.35€ Shop price: 39.00€
Ex Tax:24.88€
Brand: Jenzi
E-shop price: 55.11€ Shop price: 59.90€
Ex Tax:45.17€
Kala haarats  S5-001 Mikado / Grapples 18kg kaaluga
-22 %
Brand: Mikado
Sturdy and comfortable lip gripper making predator handling much easier - especially when it comes to pikes. Fitted with additional, precise scale with 18 kg range that allows to weight the prey without any harm or additional equipment...
E-shop price: 21.87€ Shop price: 27.90€
Ex Tax:17.93€
Kalanui / Fishing Priest APAJA ALU 43cm
-19 %
Brand: Apaja
E-shop price: 20.29€ Shop price: 24.90€
Ex Tax:16.63€
Kalanui / Preester 50cm Roosa / Pink
-32 %
Kalanui on mõeldud kala kiireks surmamiseks. *Preester *Priest *Рыба Жрец *Fish Priest *Kala nui *kalapappi..
E-shop price: 10.86€ Shop price: 15.90€
Ex Tax:8.91€
Kalastusnuga AKARA Ivory KAI-26 (26 cm)
-46 %
Brand: Akara
E-shop price: 4.24€ Shop price: 7.91€
Ex Tax:3.48€
Kalatöötlemiskomplekt APAJA
-54 %
Brand: Apaja
Sisisaldab: Rookimisvahend/soomuseriiv Kalakahvel Pintsetid luude eemaldamiseks...
E-shop price: 4.54€ Shop price: 9.89€
Ex Tax:3.72€
Brand: Leatherman
Nahast vöökott mis sobib mudelitele: Sidekick® Wingman® Fuse® Kick® Pulse® Rebar™ Black Rebar™ REV Mõõdud: 4″ x 1.5″ x .6″..
E-shop price: 17.02€ Shop price: 18.50€
Ex Tax:13.95€
Lineaeffe Baiting Deluxe Set 6pcs
-20 %
Brand: Lineaeffe
Komplektis on sööda augu tegemise tööriistad, sõlme tõmbamiseks tõmmits ja käärid...
E-shop price: 15.12€ Shop price: 18.90€
Ex Tax:12.39€
Lineaeffe Boili Needle Set 4pcs
-20 %
Brand: Lineaeffe
E-shop price: 8.40€ Shop price: 10.50€
Ex Tax:6.89€
Lineaeffe Team Specialist Feeder Kit 4990330
-20 %
Brand: Lineaeffe
E-shop price: 31.92€ Shop price: 39.89€
Ex Tax:26.16€
Lineaeffe Tinatangid 10cm
-20 %
Brand: Lineaeffe
Õngetina kinnitamiseks ja liigutamiseks mõeldud tangid...
E-shop price: 6.80€ Shop price: 8.50€
Ex Tax:5.58€
Maku Kalaluutangid 12cm Maku Kalaluutangid 12cm
-44 %
Fishbone pliers let you safely remove fishbones quickly and safely without fuss. Dishwasher safe...
E-shop price: 2.17€ Shop price: 3.90€
Ex Tax:1.78€
Maku Kalapiik Fish Spike 15cm Maku Kalapiik Fish Spike 15cm
-48 %
Stainless steel fish pike for filleting and scaling a fish. Dishwasher safe. Kalakahvel..
E-shop price: 1.84€ Shop price: 3.50€
Ex Tax:1.50€
Matkakirves ATOM 23cm/500g Matkakirves ATOM 23cm/500g
-29 %
Brand: Atom
E-shop price: 15.53€ Shop price: 21.90€
Ex Tax:12.73€
Mikado Boillie Awl AIX-9545 (
-21 %
Brand: Mikado
Basic needle with a latch; a perfect tool when you need to place the lure on a hair of a carp rig...
E-shop price: 1.98€ Shop price: 2.50€
Ex Tax:1.62€
Mikado Digikaal 10g-40Kg
-28 %
Brand: Mikado
40Kg Portable Electronic Digital Weigh Scale – Measures Mass Weight Travel Luggage Fishing Outdoors Kitchen Groceries Hanging Weighing Balance Take this handy portable digital weight scale anywhere to weigh items up to 40kgs. Uses include weighing luggage, fish, bulky items, kitchen items etc etc. ..
E-shop price: 8.56€ Shop price: 11.90€
Ex Tax:7.02€
Mikado ekstraktor + naaskel AIX-8502
-21 %
Brand: Mikado
E-shop price: 1.19€ Shop price: 1.50€
Ex Tax:0.97€
Mikado ekstraktor + naaskel AIX-8503
-21 %
Brand: Mikado
E-shop price: 1.50€ Shop price: 1.90€
Ex Tax:1.23€
Mikado Fileerimis Komplekt Fillet Knife Kit AMN-3100
-23 %
Brand: Mikado
Sisaldab: 1x Lõikelaud 2x Fileerimisnuga (15cm ja 20cm) 1x Soomuse ja kondi eemaldus nuga (13cm) 1x Käärid 1x Teritaja High-class set of the stainless, Japanese 440 steel made knives. Pair of fish filleting knives (15 and 20 cm) with a flexible and slender blade perfectly adjusting to the su..
E-shop price: 25.30€ Shop price: 32.90€
Ex Tax:20.74€
Mikado Fileerimiskinnas Filet glove AMN-CG
-30 %
Brand: Mikado
Safety first! Extremely durable fillet glove with metal fibres. Provides perfect protection of your palm and fingers while scaling and filleting a fish. Lenght: 23,5cm..
E-shop price: 7.65€ Shop price: 10.89€
Ex Tax:6.27€
Mikado Fileerimisnuga 15cm
-23 %
Brand: Mikado
A knife with a 6-inch blade, designed both for anglers and cooks. Due to its carefully profiled stainless steel blade, it will be a great tool for fish filleting...
E-shop price: 10.41€ Shop price: 13.51€
Ex Tax:8.53€
Mikado Fishing Forcep Curved 20cm
-31 %
Brand: Mikado
Metal, multifunction pliers...
E-shop price: 6.18€ Shop price: 8.91€
Ex Tax:5.07€
Mikado Fishing Forcep Curved 23cm
-30 %
Brand: Mikado
Metal, multifunction pliers...
E-shop price: 6.61€ Shop price: 9.50€
Ex Tax:5.42€
Mikado Fishing Forcep Curved 25cm
-18 %
Brand: Mikado
Metal, multifunction pliers...
E-shop price: 8.08€ Shop price: 9.89€
Ex Tax:6.62€
Mikado Fishing Forcep Curved 30cm
-20 %
Brand: Mikado
Metal, multifunction pliers...
E-shop price: 8.77€ Shop price: 10.89€
Ex Tax:7.19€
Mikado Fishing Forcep Curved with Comfy Grip 16.5cm
-23 %
Brand: Mikado
Curved pliers made of stainless steel and coated with anti-corrosive layer. Rubber-coated handle provides more comfort of use and steadier grip. Necessary tool in any anglers toolbox...
E-shop price: 10.42€ Shop price: 13.51€
Ex Tax:8.54€
Mikado Grinder Boilie Crusher Mikado Grinder Boilie Crusher
-20 %
Brand: Mikado
Practical and reliable grinder for protein balls. Irreplaceable product for carp baits making and for preparation of mixtures for PVA fabrics...
E-shop price: 4.71€ Shop price: 5.90€
Ex Tax:3.86€
Mikado HQ needles set AMC-031
-21 %
Brand: Mikado
Complete set of High Quality HQ needles that consists of basic and advanced tools for carp rig lure angling and special tools facilitating rig production process...
E-shop price: 7.86€ Shop price: 9.89€
Ex Tax:6.44€
Mikado Hülsitangid + Hülsid Crimp Tool Set
-22 %
Brand: Mikado
Pliers for clamping of metal sleeves during production of carp rigs made of rigid materials. Using sleeves from this set you can make custom-length pieces of e.g. fluorocarbon, while making anti-tangling, casting rigs...
E-shop price: 14.78€ Shop price: 18.90€
Ex Tax:12.12€
Mikado Hülsitangid / Large AMN-844 clamping pliers
-20 %
Brand: Mikado
Perfectly made tool for metal sleeve clamping of different sizes. Special indents allow to produce individual metal or fluorocarbon leaders finished with metal sleeves. Additional label allows to easily adjust the pliers to accessories being worked...
E-shop price: 17.62€ Shop price: 21.90€
Ex Tax:14.44€
Mikado Käärid Cutter AMN-105A
-30 %
Brand: Mikado
Simple fishing line cutter with a vest/pocket mounting clip. Compact tool invaluable during any rig fixing...
E-shop price: 2.74€ Shop price: 3.90€
Ex Tax:2.25€
Mikado Käärid/Näpitsad Nööri Lõikamiseks AMN-846
-20 %
Brand: Mikado
Hi-class scissors made of stainless steel, with an additional split ring tool, covered with a titanium coating. Fitted with soft, rubber-coated handles that provide great comfort of use. Perfect for braids cutting...
E-shop price: 7.11€ Shop price: 8.91€
Ex Tax:5.83€
Mikado Kalastusnuga Fishing Knife 9cm AMN-209
-27 %
Brand: Mikado
E-shop price: 5.74€ Shop price: 7.91€
Ex Tax:4.70€
Mikado Konksuteritaja AMN-310
-29 %
Brand: Mikado
Handy sharpener is a must-have during any angling expedition. Fine surface and three, special notches provide ability to precisely sharpen hooks and treble hooks of various sizes. Lenght: 8-14,5cm..
E-shop price: 3.21€ Shop price: 4.50€
Ex Tax:2.63€
Showing 1 to 50 of 112 (3 Pages)
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